Friday, February 18, 2011

Sleepy, sleepy.

So sleepy. My medicine, maybe. Sitting here with the dogs. The endless dreariness of England's winters. But there's something else that keeps me inside, just lets me sequester myself. I feel so peacefully snoozy. I could (and may) easily just join the dogs in their lovely snoring naps.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

W5, Crouch End

London busdrivers are a special kind of hateful.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Happy Birthday to Me!


Nettles do sting. Without any provocation. Just brush up against them and they'll get you.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Suddenly summer

It's been over a year. We've left Hampstead (just) and moved E/NE to Highgate. Less annoyingly posh, closer to the tube (much!) and just 1/2 block from the "parkland walk" for the dogs.

Lots more to do and see here. We found a proper cricket match on Saturday after a pub lunch, (complete with too much Pimms). Eventually wrenched ourselves off the turf and wandered through Waterlow Park & some lovely Highgate streets and finally took our guests to see the impressive Hornsey (aka "suicide") Bridge. It has amazing serpents (ok, fat goldfish) curled around the bases of the lights.

Highgate's less convenient for some things - some groceries, for example - but then, we have a (teeny) back yard! It's a good balance and I think this'll work out.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Things I love here

"Books for Cooks" is wonderful and I'm liking (but not swooning over) the accents. Hampstead is an awfully nice place to live (snort - it's awesome). Oh, the dairy. There are some sublime cowsies (I'm so juvenile) making the most amazingly subtle cheese here. Ahh, yeah, I didn't think I'd like it. But it's June, too, so what's not to adore?

Monday, March 23, 2009

We're in London

We moved to London a month ago. After threatening to get my blog dusted off, I'm here tapping away. Big credit for that, yay!

What really got me thinking about writing was all the little differences I was seeing here as a consumer. So that's some of the stuff that might pop up. Then again, maybe not. No, no - I WILL write! About other stuff too.